Grade 9

Lord of the Flies


A plane crashes on an uninhabited island and the only survivors, a group of schoolboys, assemble on the beach and wait to be rescued. By day they inhabit a land of bright fantastic birds and dark blue seas, but at night their dreams are haunted by the image of a terrifying beast.

In this, his first novel, William Golding gave the traditional adventure story an ironic, devastating twist. The boys’ delicate sense of order fades, and their childish fears are transformed into something deeper and more primitive. Their games take on a horrible significance, and before long the well-behaved party of schoolboys has turned into a tribe of faceless, murderous savages.

Class Details

Lessons: 2 Lessons

Genres: Classics Fantasy Fiction

$57 per lesson

Class Times


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About Our Courses

At Beyond Books, we are passionate about helping every student succeed and achieve their full potential through learning.

During the classes, he learners will actively participate in the discussion to share their thinking and light a passion of reading and learning from books. Our small size group classes allow each learner to answer questions and give them the space to think critically and creatively.

  1. Before the class: The learners are expected to finish reading the whole book , or at least half of the book.
  2. During the class: Depends on the book, our teaching contents cover the following parts
  3. - Vocabulary words and activities
    -Elements of the novel: Plot, Conflict, Setting, and Themes, etc
    - Character analysis
    - Comprehension questions: The learners’ dicussion will focus on making connections, visualizing, inferring, determining importance, analyzing, summarizing, evaluating, predicting, and questioning,etc
    - Critical thinking questions: The learners will think deeply and discuss together to extend their understanding and thinking
    - Writing tasks’ idea discussion
  4. After the class: The learners are expected to do a writng task as their homework