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Empower students to become lifelong learners
Awarding Winning Books
Different Genres
Elite Tutors
Teaching Hours
Year 5-6: 12 x 1 hour/lesson
Year 3-6: 12 x 1 hour/lesson
” I like Brian’s Winter because the format of writing was amazing. I enjoyed and I would read it again 10 more times and yeah.“
“I like the “His dark materials--” the most, because the theme is quite interesting and it gives me the interest to read more about it.”
“I like the Hunger Games because it was very good, all the books are really good. I really like this reading club thing, the only flaw is that the whole idea sounds a bit nerdy but still it’s pretty fun.”
“I liked how every lesson we discussed the books and how we shared our opinions. I also really like how we discussed the questions in this lesson. Also, I also like how we do some vocabulary at the start of the lesson.”
“I like The War That Saved My Life because Ada showed lots of determination. Susan was really the only person who cared for Ada and her foot, she didn’t mind about Ada’s foot. The story had a happy ending unlike the boy in striped pyjamas.“
“I really enjoyed this reading lesson, because i get to read many very interesting books, and discuss about it.”
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